On Friday morning I received a call from the "Fabulous Five" singing me Happy Birthday. Such a delight to hear & have the memory, to remind me of their joyful rendition, throughout the day. A wee chat with Lucy and kisses over the phone from Jeremy. I had a call from Matthew who was in Inverell, and shortly after from Felicity in Sydney.
I also received three beautiful flowering bulbs, Hyacinths, in a pretty blue .
A beautiful gift of three cross stitch kits for needle rolls. Thank you Felicity, I am thrilled.

How about these cute gifts?
A selection of cat magnets for the refrigerator door! A perfect gift for a cat lover.
Hugs and kisses, thank you Nicholas.

A set of stacking Dolls! The only kind, none other than Matroyshka dolls, another favourite, to add to my collection. These are different and very useful as measuring cups, and kitchen decorations. Hugs & kisses and thank you, Josh'.

Because I am very fond of dragon Flies, I received a beautiful card and a sweet gift both depicting dragon flies, from DD#2. The circular gift unfolds to become a handbag holder. Thank you Felicity.

Thanks to Steve and Louise for a delicious Birthday Dinner Party.
One of my dearest friends sent me a funny wee book about stress, All sayings TIC. ( toungue in cheek), but it gave a great laugh. Thank you dear friend, Gay.