Since my last post, our Burmese wanderer decided to get herself lost another time. This time for 11 days. I can only say, I was extremely stressed. Once again we circulated flyers around our village, walked the streets calling her name , searched under neighbours homes to no avail. One morning last week when I was beyond despair, a lady phoned to say she had found the cat, who appeared to be in a very bad state. We quickly drove up the hill 1.5 klms to find a very dehydrated, skin & bone bedraggled Holly. She was in a cardboard box, beside a very busy road, Normally she would have leapt from that box & run for her life. Bless her heart, she had no fight left, she was curled into the base. When I lifted her out, it was such a shock to see her in that condition, although I had been aware that without food & water for so long she may not have survived. She collapsed into my arms & purred softly. We took her to the vet & brought her home that evening, re hydrated, keen to eat & taking water. Needless to say we are very grateful to have her home with us & have an outcome that I had not hoped to find. She is gaining weight , thankfully, she lost 600grms of her 3.1 kgs. Holly now does not have the liberty of going out doors, nor does she want to, at this stage.
6 hours ago