At last another day of sunshine after several wet, bleak & misty days.
A perfect time for stitching in the sun, although I'll do so indoors at the moment, as outside is still very cold in the wind. My quilt is nearing completion, the quilted part, then the finishing off and the sleeve for hanging.
I've spent three months getting it to this stage, with little other stitching to mention. I have made five knitted scarves, while on the move & not able to quilt. A couple are for gifts, but three are for moi, a cherry red, a variegated blue & a silver grey. Photos soon.
I'm looking forward to moving on to other projects & being able to have this quilt off the "to do" list.
I've so many wonderful projects to chose from, no doubt one will call to me a tad louder than the others.
Folio Folder Book
8 hours ago