Keeping a diary was never one of my strong points, as evidenced here.
During the last couple of months I have investigated many wonderful blogging sites and have been inspired by such beautiful and varied work. I enjoy seeing all the creativity and now need to add to my 'to do' list, logging other blogs of interest, I would like to follow.
During August I completed the afore mentioned, Roman Blinds for both the kitchen and family room. Perhaps a photo here may be of interest, I need to remember to do the photo.
I made a bag for a very kind friend for her birthday. The lovely motifs on the fabric indicate my friend is a keen golfer.

Also on the completion list for August, is 'Snow' fob from Shepherd's Bush,

along with a start on a piece from the Sampler Girl. titled,
'My Everything,' a quote from W.H. Auden. I completed this piece by the end of September. It is a gift for my husband on our wedding anniversary, in October.

'Spooky' fob by Shepherd's Bush another completed item for my collection of stitching paraphenalia.

In early October, with a smoking needle, I worked on my hexagon quilt. I managed quite a decent amount of progress putting the large hexagon blocks together. When the top middle section was joined, I was unhappy with the colour of the combining hexagons. Those hexagons are a tad too bright, IMHO. A tea/coffee dye wash may work the trick.
Experimenting continues, two small hexagons have had a tone down however, extra toning is still needed for a more subtle appearance.

For the Australian, Victorian Bush Fire Appeal, I made a few Christmas ornaments. These are for distribution among victims, who lost all possessions, in the fires earlier this year. From what I have heard, nearly 500 ornaments have been collected so far. These were generously made and donated by kind folk from around the world.
Here is my humble contribution for the ornament collection, followed by a cross stitch square I stitched for a quilt, to be donated to the same cause.

Australian Possum in Gum Blossoms.

I have two Christmas ornaments almost ready to post to my exchange partners for this year. Photos of those, later.